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Monday, February 28, 2011

The Battle for our Rights as Citizens

The BATTLE for our RIGHTS as citizens.

When we buy a home, we expect that we will be gaining equity through investment in our home. But lately that's not been the case due to what I perceive as lack of government oversight of the Government Sponsored Enterprises (G.S.E.s) such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

We as citizens, and taxpayers, need to demand more from our elected officials. I will site more specifics as this blog evolves. In the meantime, please go to the web, look up who is supposed to represent your rights in Washington D.C. and get prepared to finally have your voice heard by them. Here is the link for you to use to find out who your representatives are. Notice, I said the word "representatives'', because these people are actually supposed to represent you in Washington D.C., not their own special interests. Now, here is that link:  http://libertyandpride.com/contact-congress/  Now go do your homework, and be ready to contact your representatives.

We will prevail and 'TAKE' our country back from 'THE TAKERS' who are destroying our nation!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New to the blog, but not to the mortgage business

I wanted to see if I could make a difference, and help anyone who has questions about:
  • What's needed
  • How to get started
  • Process to close escrow